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DNA: Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

Hello everyone, I heard somewhere that something big starts from basics. So, here I am with an elementary topic in the field of biology or biotechnology: DNA.

DNA stands for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid.

DNA is the genetic material of almost every living organism on the earth. It contains all the hereditary information.

It is a helical structure of two chains coiled in a right-handed manner running anti-parallel to each other. These chains consist of multiple nitrogen

ous-base attached deoxyribose sugar. A single deoxyribose sugar and the nitrogenous base molecule is called Nucleotide. Deoxyribose sugar is pentameric i.e, contains five-carbon.

Here is the image of deoxyribose sugar from Shutterstock.

Both the chains stabilized with Hydrogen bonds formed between nitrogenous bases.

There are four nitrogenous bases in DNA. These are Adenine(A), Guanine(G), Cytosine(C), Thymine(T). These broadly divide into Purine(A and G) and Pyrimidines(T and C).

Here is the image of Purines.

Here is the picture of Pyrimidines.

The pairing of nucleotides is based on Chargaff's rule. According to which A will pair with T by two H-bonds and G will pair with C by three H-bonds.

That's all from my side on this topic. Lend your valuable feedback so that I can improve the level of content I am trying to provide

Thank you.

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